Thursday, February 11, 2016

Adding Trusted Sites through Group Policy

The necessity for pushing out Trusted Sites arose out of our moving to Office365 for the Office Suite including Outlook and Exchange. 

Microsoft had a long list of sites for that zone. 

Step 1 was manually typing them into a clean PC.  

Step 2 was going into the Regedit.exe and finding the key for Trust Sites. 

It is found by going to: 

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains
And exporting them to a Shared folder on the Network

Step 3 is to create a Group Policy Object with a Logon Script

The script I made was the following:

IF NOT EXIST "C:\Apps" MD C:\Apps
COPY /B /S /Y "\\ServerName\GPDocuments\domains.reg" "C:\Apps\domains.reg"
REG IMPORT "C:\Apps\domains.reg"

I saved it as a .cmd and then added it to the default location that come up when you choose “Logon,” “Add a Script,” and then “Browse.”   You can just drag you “Add_trusted_sites.cmd” into the location that the browse opened.

This copies the key from the network shared folder to a folder on the PC and then imports it to the registry without any pop ups.